Coincidentally, I just learned of (and bookmarked) this manual today. And I can’t think of anyone better to tell the stories of Marguerite, Vivian, and Riley.
This is good. Downloaded, read and filed. Brilliant.
I remember using several of those tactics when I worked in politics, to deal with stupid ideas and dumber orders. That I couldn't say "that's fucking dumb!"
I am with you, Sister. My moon has been in the flood phase of tears since last October. I am ready to be done with that, straighten my spine and go to work,
Gloria, I was mesmerized—again. Reading this felt like watching a movie unfold in the cinema of my mind, scene by scene, with perfect pacing and tension.
I had already leafed through that manual before and found it more than intriguing. But you’ve transformed it into something even more captivating.
I know this story will accompany me throughout my day, lingering as a testament to the quiet strength of women—their wit, intelligence, and the unshakable power of persistence. And with that bit of romance woven in? It’s the perfect balance.
The way you weave history, resistance, and the sharp edge of bureaucracy into a narrative feels like watching a slow-burning thriller take shape. Vivian’s presence is commanding, her wisdom carved from experience, and Riley’s fire is a spark ready to ignite something greater. And that manual—what a chillingly relevant artifact.
Intriguing? Absolutely. Lively? Without a doubt. A thriller? Oh, yes. I’m completely hooked and cannot wait for the next chapter!
And will I support resistance from my place? Yes of course, as best as I can to my ability. Uniformity has in history seldom beaten wit and diversity.
There’s no need to push you, Gloria, and it was never my intention. Everything you needed was already within you. It’s not me—it’s you. Your fiery words, the intricacies, the layers, the writing between the lines. I couldn’t have taken you there because that place was always yours to find.
Somewhere in the past two months, I think you subscended into a deeper realm of yourself. Arrived on a different plane. And who is the self, anyway? Have you met it in flesh and blood? I haven’t. But you’ve found a connection to something beyond what you once knew.
This isn’t me. It’s in you. Trust it. You got this—and you got there entirely on your own. Maybe my words sparked something along the way; I won’t deny that. But I also can’t truly confirm it.
Sep 20, 2019 — A brilliant way to sabotage the Germans equipped with new Citroën trucks, who knew that commandeering a pre-war Citroën got them legendary reliability.
Thank you so much for passing it along. That manual is sheer brilliance. I would love to know who worked on it, just the whole story. I really have to do more research on the actual manual.
Thank you for this history lesson Gloria. I love that your journey is here with all of us. It helps me to not be so afraid of what repubs are doing.
Your writing gives me a spark of hope that there are people who understand the assignment and how to implement putting the breaks on all the bad apples in our government now.
This sounds absolutely fascinating. It always adds an extra layer to the Fiction when you can weave it around something of historical interest like this. Vivian seems like a very intriguing character, who has clearly lived an extraordinary life. I'm definitely looking forward to reading more... 😎
Brilliant Gloria, simply brilliant! Viva la resistance!
It's been therapy writing the story within a story today.
Coincidentally, I just learned of (and bookmarked) this manual today. And I can’t think of anyone better to tell the stories of Marguerite, Vivian, and Riley.
{staying tuned}
I am in love with this manual. Absolutely besotted with the simplistic yet deadly successful ways to dismantle a regime one paperclip at a time.
This is the shite that I live for. Truly.
Can’t wait to read it.
I’m writing our war in real time—the daily whiplash from our own personal Nazi regime—complete with tips on how to beat the bastards.
These days must be chronicled, and I can think of no one better suited to the task. Thank you 🖇️
Thank you!
Absolutely strategic in the most subtle but impactful way! Gloria, we need group study and discussion sessions on the Manual!
We do. Seriously.
You should set up one and get us going! I would join!
hmm. That's an idea worth pursuing.
Gloria, We have a strategic mass (i.e. more than one) reading and willing!
This is good. Downloaded, read and filed. Brilliant.
I remember using several of those tactics when I worked in politics, to deal with stupid ideas and dumber orders. That I couldn't say "that's fucking dumb!"
Thank you. It’s my answer to everybody screaming RESIST and then whispering "How Do We do That?'
Soooo hear you!!
One need not only speak loudly to resist.
Exactly, Alicia. Good to see you here.
Thank you--I go through moon phases it feels like. Waning moon recently.
I am with you, Sister. My moon has been in the flood phase of tears since last October. I am ready to be done with that, straighten my spine and go to work,
Gloria, I was mesmerized—again. Reading this felt like watching a movie unfold in the cinema of my mind, scene by scene, with perfect pacing and tension.
I had already leafed through that manual before and found it more than intriguing. But you’ve transformed it into something even more captivating.
I know this story will accompany me throughout my day, lingering as a testament to the quiet strength of women—their wit, intelligence, and the unshakable power of persistence. And with that bit of romance woven in? It’s the perfect balance.
The way you weave history, resistance, and the sharp edge of bureaucracy into a narrative feels like watching a slow-burning thriller take shape. Vivian’s presence is commanding, her wisdom carved from experience, and Riley’s fire is a spark ready to ignite something greater. And that manual—what a chillingly relevant artifact.
Intriguing? Absolutely. Lively? Without a doubt. A thriller? Oh, yes. I’m completely hooked and cannot wait for the next chapter!
And will I support resistance from my place? Yes of course, as best as I can to my ability. Uniformity has in history seldom beaten wit and diversity.
Thank you for this very enjoyable morning read.
I have you to thank. You very gently kept giving me little pushes to not give in but to get up and do something about it.
There’s no need to push you, Gloria, and it was never my intention. Everything you needed was already within you. It’s not me—it’s you. Your fiery words, the intricacies, the layers, the writing between the lines. I couldn’t have taken you there because that place was always yours to find.
Somewhere in the past two months, I think you subscended into a deeper realm of yourself. Arrived on a different plane. And who is the self, anyway? Have you met it in flesh and blood? I haven’t. But you’ve found a connection to something beyond what you once knew.
This isn’t me. It’s in you. Trust it. You got this—and you got there entirely on your own. Maybe my words sparked something along the way; I won’t deny that. But I also can’t truly confirm it.
Thank you. 🙏 You are amazing.
It is all within yourself. I am merely a mirror for you.
What the French did ...
Citroën Sabotage in World War II
Citroënvie! › citroen-sabotage-in-world-war-ii
Sep 20, 2019 — A brilliant way to sabotage the Germans equipped with new Citroën trucks, who knew that commandeering a pre-war Citroën got them legendary reliability.
Is that why they named it “the lemon”?
Might be. At least for the Nazis.
Oh, that was captivating! More, please!
More tomorrow at 3pm PST.
Oh Gloris this is just so great.
As Mike Hammer said, just brilliant !!
I am writing my way out of being despondent and a crybaby! LOL
I am emailing those two links to all my friends
Thank you so much for passing it along. That manual is sheer brilliance. I would love to know who worked on it, just the whole story. I really have to do more research on the actual manual.
Check what Allison Gill has just published on Substack
We are completely compromised if her article is even a tiny bit correct. We are shattered beyond recognition if it's all truth.
Thank you. Please pass it around. If nothing else, the manual is just so brilliant in its subterfuge.
I like this side of you. To be continued. Red, white, blue.
LOL. Thank you, Richard
Thank you for this history lesson Gloria. I love that your journey is here with all of us. It helps me to not be so afraid of what repubs are doing.
Your writing gives me a spark of hope that there are people who understand the assignment and how to implement putting the breaks on all the bad apples in our government now.
Let’s take this amazing little 20-page document and get to work.
Absolutely brilliant work
Thank you, Gillian.
All the systems that stopped the funding processes were initiated and executed by a human. I want names and signing authorities. NOW.
I pay for it all and so do you.
Well, I have started reading your book.
Thank you, Marc!
This sounds absolutely fascinating. It always adds an extra layer to the Fiction when you can weave it around something of historical interest like this. Vivian seems like a very intriguing character, who has clearly lived an extraordinary life. I'm definitely looking forward to reading more... 😎
Thank you, Chris. I have missed seeing you here.
I had to find a quiet coffee shop in Saigon, and find a corner table and read what you have written so far.
Thank you, Veronica.