My top 3 action items:

1. Declare a state of emergency for the 40+ mass shootings in 2024, outlawing all automatic and semi automatic weapons with a 72 hour turn in period or risk arrest and forced confiscation.

2. Reinstate the death penalty for certain degrees of rape and child abuse that results in death or 3x arrest. Mandatory 5+ years for all other convictions. Release all prisoners who were convicted of non-violent marijuana charges to make room in prisons.

3. Tax religious institutions, remove tax loopholes for corps, and instate a flat tax for citizens.

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Yeah I'd prefer Bezos to pay way more in taxes than I do percentage wise.

It worked during FDR and Eisenhowers admins. Some say those were the good old days

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All of this, now! I hope Bidens advisors are giving Biden these ideas to do NOW

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I agree that Biden should absolutely take advantage of this presidential immunity that the Supreme Court Just-Us's conferred upon him. Perhaps the first thing is to assign three liberal Justices to bring balance back to this crazy-lopsided court.

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Jul 3
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What’s he waiting for?

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He and his team have to do something.

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Karma will get MAGA and their SCOTUS allies.

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With the Nazis there was a lot of collateral damage from all that karma

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Let's be clear -- the absolute immunity attaches solely to the enumerated Constitutional powers given to the President in Article 1 (signing documents) and Article 2 (which covers the Presidency).

Insofar as official acts are concerned, the President is entitled to presumptive immunity, but that is not a guarantee s/he will be covered by it. Most of what you describe here falls into that category and several parts are unconstitutional on their face, especially the prospect of wholesale arrests and the arrest of Trump on treason charges, which have not (to my knowledge) been officially alleged, let alone investigated and an indictment issued. I would add that declaring an act official doesn't make it so.

The fact that Trump, and his sycophants, will use today's decision to vindicate him and further declare all of the prosecutions as politically motivated, does not justify Biden running off and performing as a Democrat version of the Orange Menace. This would be an idiotic thing for him to do in view of his performance in Thursday's debate. It was an unmitigated disaster from which he must recover to regain the confidence of voters who are afraid he no longer has what it takes. The fantasy described in the article would drive them further away and also, in my view, fracture the country.

The Democrat messaging strategy will have to focus on destroying Trump as a candidate, and possibly as a person. The alternative is to give up and we cannot afford that. It was obvious when Loose Cannon went to work that the courts would not save us, especially since Trump's preferred tactic is to instigate delay after delay, no matter how ridiculous. This decision was not unexpected, now we have to deal with it.

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I agree with everything you have written but HOW DO WE DEAL WITH IT? We seem to have no power anymore. Reread the excerpt from Sotomayor's dissent.

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We organize like hell and we vote. The KC Star came out with an editorial scorching SCOTUS and talking about Trump as King. We have to play that up because, truth be told, Project 2025 gives him the framework to implement authoritarianism and this ruling gives him the cover he will need if he is careful on how he goes about it. This term won't be like 2016. He will have pros (catering to his ego) who know how to make it happen. The Founders wanted the British Monarchy well away from this country. Now we need to remind people that America was not founded to be one man's play pen.

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In the real world, absolute immunity applies to whatever the hell the Court says it does…😡

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This is a fever dream to wake people up.

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Smart money is on giant asteroid.😏

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You are a Goofball but you MY Goofball.

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I agree with you, but fantasizing has its merits!

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I found it unexpected and, frankly, shocking.

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And you think the country is not fractured now?

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Cracked for sure and heading for fracture. But fracture is not inevitable, not yet.

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I wholeheartedly agree.

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Would Biden be able to declare that Trump has been a Putin oligarch and puppet for many years and freeze his assets?

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I’ve wondered about that.

I’ve also wondered if Harlan Crow’s worldwide dealings may in part have been with groups designated as international terrorists and therefore he should have his assets frozen.

I know, horse, barn door, and all that. Still.

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This is really excellent, Gloria.

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I wrote it on April 27th. I have been dreading this day for months. It’s here and raw and real.

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How prescient of you, Gloria! My anxiety is ramped up!

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We should make you President! 👏💙

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I wish he would do this and really protect us! Turn the tables on all of them! I like how you think, I’ve been saying this since the decision came out. It would really screw up their plans!

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I see only one problem with it the cost , Other than that would be great to see . great post Gloria

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Go for it, Joe!

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Nailed it! We were just talking about Seal Team 6 … could they take out 🍊💩? Would it be an official act? For the good of the nation…..

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It would start a civil war, but republicans want one anyway.

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We are in the quiet part of a civil war right this minute.

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And we have been for a few years now…scary times…VOTE.

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Yup, not new.

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In Germany they took over all media and had the nationally owned media be a propaganda machine. We have the opportunity to chat on social media now and if Project 2025 sets in we will have only propaganda

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More so now, post assassination attempt.

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Wow SCOTUS really saved us! Who would have thought their ruling would apply to Prez Biden too!!?? I never did 🙄👀🤔Brilliant! Thanks you corrupt mf’s that aren’t so good at corruption after all. Hahahahaha

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Isn’t there a “fly in the ointment?” SCOTUS is the final stop for actions taken by the President that are challenged in court. What prevents these Supremes from ruling based on who was the President? I perceive such corruption and disdain for ethics among them that they have undermined this court’s credibility

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Winning the Elections for President, House and Senate in numbers sufficient to bring about an expansion of the SC would help

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That is the answer.

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Gloria Horton-Young -- She who stirs the Storm!

You stir the storm in the best meaning of the term.

The Supreme Court didn't stir a storm. They stirred what has been adopted in street speech in Germany: "Shitstorm"!

Germans anglicize a lot, and one term one hears all of the time in Germany is "Shitstorm".

Any German would agree with me that the Court DID stir a "Shitstorm".

You lay out not only the absurdity of the Court's decision but the dangerousness of an executive that is too strong.

Having myself read "The Federalist," those Papers defended liberty and opposed absolute power.

It absolutely baffles me how the Court could have let fall such a disastrous decision.

Just today on Andrea Mitchell, Harvard's Laurence Tribe DESTROYED the Supreme Court's decision. I saw the Andrea Mitchell interview live. I cannot yet find the video.

You might keep looking for Laurence Tribe's word here:


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Nationalize the guard to protect the border from anti human acts and to protect our voting booths and procedures..

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I thought the Guard was already nationalized?

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Let’s get started .. ban the GOP

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Biden MUST seize this moment, and decimate the republicans

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You say that as if the Democrats controlled the entirety of the federal government, we would all of a sudden have good governance.

As being mindful of mine and normal lack of any middle class sensibilities, today I’m going to take my mothers advice. I don’t have anything nice to say, so ………..

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Take your mother's advice, please.

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No, I'm not saying that, but Biden has been an excellent president, something trump never was, and never could be because trump cares nothing for the American people, trump cares only for himself. This is not a democrat and republican problem it's a problem with Fascism which trump has fully embraced.

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You are remiss, you may go sit quietly now.

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I am remiss. I did not point out the real problem. They are completely bipartisan behind closed doors. They are codependent partners in a global criminal enterprise. There aren’t levels of morality.

It’s like, pregnant or sustainable you’re not almost pregnant, or someone sustainable. You either possess an exercise morality or you don’t. The facilitation of crimes against humanity, attempted genocide and war profiteering apart of the military and yes your complex remove any hint of morality.

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That is where you are incorrect about fascism. The Democratic Party is an example of corporate oligarchy enable to fascism. The GOP is nothing but totalitarian despotism. You really don’t understand any of this and probably should just be sitting quietly.

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Simply, not the case. Now, if you view the office holder has nothing but a figurehead and representative of the United States, mediocre. But as a leader and representative of the collective “we the people” no. hell no.

He is an active participant in the acquiescence to the donor class. For anyone from the Democratic Party to be an excellent president, it would have to be one of the seven or eight true progressive I wish they get suppressed by their own party.

Joe is the flag carrier of the platform. Have you read it? It is the largest corporate subsidy on the backs of the proletariat ever proposed.

The 22nd ranked candidate out of a 23 person race is never going to be “an excellent president“

I don’t do DNC fellation anymore than I do GOP Putin tool. I don’t suffer it either. Educate yourself or cease engaging me. Please.

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