Jun 29Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Beautiful job on King Leer, Gloria.

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Thank you!

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Jun 29Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

What a powerful statement, Gloria.

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Thank you, Jena.

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Oh, how I hope people vote for democracy. This week before the debate I was in Virginia. Two people I spoke to refused to vote. I was shocked, but after talking to them, I hope I convinced both of them to vote for Biden. After the debate, I spoke with one of the two and she said, based on our discussion, she realized Trump was a liar and Project 2025 was real. I think I at least awakened her to the horrible possibilities if Trump should win.

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You are a heroine for speaking out.

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You've done good! Keep it up!

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Excellent representation of the lies. Bravissima!

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Jun 29Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Fantastic poem and so very true .Great job.Gloria

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Thank you, Mitch.

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G L O R I A! Your poetry is ripe and at times filled with steamy intimacy. Trump has a perverse seductive effect on his “followers. It’s unearthly..

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He is crazytown.

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That is a huge understatement. There are not enough words to describe his malice.

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That’s true because I try to describe him and always come up short!

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If you repeat a lie often enough, you start to believe it yourself. He learned from the writings of Adolph Hitler, which acording to wife #1, Ivana, in a statement made during their bitter divorce, tRump kept on his night stand. He has been lying all his life, creating his False God image. The only thing that he is great at is repeating his own invented affirmations:"I am the only one who can do it." "Nobody isxas great as I am" "My crowds are humongous " "I am a stable genious"

" I am a magnet to women" and on and on ad nauseam.

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Jun 29Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Great writing!

Hoping everyone sees through his disguise…

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We can only hope.

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Jun 30Liked by Gloria Horton-Young


My own poetry falls well short of your game, but I came upon these words of hope after being inspired by your words.


In the realm of political discourse's stage,

There exists a phenomenon, a troubling gauge.

A widespread ignorance that pervades the air,

A fog of apathy, leaving minds unaware.

In this age of information, a digital spree,

Where knowledge flows freely, for all to see.

Yet, political ignorance spreads like a disease,

Beguiling the masses, shrouding minds in unease.

Opinions are formed on whispers and hearsay,

Facts distorted, manipulated along the way.

Truth becomes elusive, hidden behind veils,

While ignorance thrives, and reason fails.

It's a dance of shadows, a masquerade ball,

Where ignorance parades, standing tall.

Blind to the consequences of actions untold,

As democracy's fabric begins to unfold.

Some choose to turn away, eyes tightly shut,

Unwilling to engage, their minds tightly shut.

They bask in the comfort of blissful neglect,

Unaware that their own power they reject.

But the ramifications are felt far and wide,

As political systems teeter on a precarious stride.

Decisions made in ignorance's embrace,

Leave nations vulnerable, in a perilous chase.

Yet, amidst this darkness, a flicker of light,

The yearning for knowledge, burning bright.

For there are those who seek to understand,

To rise above ignorance, hand in hand.

Education becomes the beacon of hope,

An antidote to ignorance's slippery slope.

Revealing the complexities of political strife,

Empowering minds, igniting a spark of life.

Let us delve into history's vast store,

Uncover the lessons that lie at its core.

From the rise and fall of empires past,

We can glean wisdom, ensure ignorance won't last.

Debate and discourse, with respect and grace,

Create spaces where diverse voices embrace.

For it's through dialogue, we widen our view,

Challenge assumptions, and discover what's true.

Let us question the narratives that we're fed,

Scrutinize the sources, tread where truth may tread.

For political ignorance cannot withstand,

The vigilant minds that seek to understand.

But the burden does not rest on a chosen few,

It's a collective effort, one we must pursue.

From classrooms to communities, let's impart,

The importance of knowledge, a fire to start.

For a democracy thrives when citizens engage,

When ignorance is shattered, page by page.

Let us rise above the noise, stand tall and strong,

Informed and aware, where ignorance does not belong.

So, let us confront this widespread plight,

With open minds, and a burning light.

Together we'll dismantle the walls of ignorance's reign,

And embrace a future where knowledge will sustain.

For in the battle against political ignorance's sway,

We'll reclaim democracy, come what may.

With wisdom as our guide, hope as our creed,

A brighter future awaits, for us to succeed.

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Excellent! Thanks for sharing will us.

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Gloria: You truly outdid yourself. Shakespeare could not have said it better

How I wish I had a magic wand to make every American read it. Impressive talent. You were born to write. Thank you for your work. May democracy prevail.

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Veronica, thank you for the kind words.

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Jun 30Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

That is one awesome piece, Gloria !!!!!

So good that in fact he doesn't deserve all its wit !!!!

But perhaps, subconsciously he heard it all, and bent his head, who knows...

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Thank you, sweetie.

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Gloria calls up

The fires from hell

To spit a pig

And roast it well

Well done.

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Jun 30Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Love this!!

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Bravo! Malcolm, Bravo

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Jun 30Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

WOW! Amazing!

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Thank you. 🙏

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Jun 29Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Aced it!

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Thanks, Marguerite.

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This is beautiful. I don't know how you do it. I love it. My apologies for this:

Does Trump say truth, you may inquire,

No say I, he's pants-on-fire.

Believe him not, I must advise,

Always he lies, and lies, and lies.

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Jun 30Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Bravo! Magnificent tour de force. I hope anyone who reads this restacks it and posts it on whatever social media they're on. The world needs to realize what a monster Trump is.

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Thank you.

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Jun 30Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

This is how I want to get all of my news - your poetry. This is another banger, about a horrific person and yet somehow you make it feel somewhat optimistic? I know that’s probably not your intention but the beauty in your prose breathes levity even in a small way to the subject. Also, I’ve never read a finer call to action. Vote vote vote

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