What a wonderful reflection, Gloria. A curiosity for today; you're at least the third author I've read today that is contemplating the paradoxes and juxtapositions of our lives. Each of you beautifully stated the complexity of it all, but each of you have emphasized the wonder and awe of just approaching life without reservation and holding it all loosely without pretense. Thank you for this, Gloria.

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I believe we are on the cusp of serious civil disobedience in this country and we need to hold on tight to those we treasure.

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Sadly I agree with you. The divide is only becoming worse and more pronounced so the only things worth holding onto tightly will be our loved ones, our relationships.

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I agree.

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Jun 7Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

As elegant a synopsis of life I’ve ever read in my 70 years. If you don’t mind I’d like to put it on my home office wall.

You should find a piece of art that encapsulates these thoughts.

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I would be honored. Please share your thoughts with me. I want to know how others are feeling.

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Jun 8Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

.....same raw curiosity we'd reserve for a new vice or an uncharted trail in a hellish canyon. To truly listen, and to keep weaving our collective narrative........same raw curiosity.....same raw curiosity.....same raw curiosity


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Jun 8Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Your mere, mention of a drink. prompted me to recall that it is most appropriate for me to stand up to get the bottle and glass of 12 year Scot's Whisky for a pour. After a sip or two I began reading your words. After I think of the topics that were examined and thought, my life is not bad. Thank you

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You are welcome. 🙏

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“Indifferent terrain” that’s most of the world around us. That’s what makes you so special. When you’re in it, it’s not indifferent. It has hope, beauty, wisdom and joy. Thanks for allowing me in the circle!

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Always, Hudson, always.

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Did I mention I love the piece? 🙈

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🙏 your ability to lighten my load is sooo special. More appreciated than I could ever express! 🫶

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Jun 7Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Superb. Profound. It’s intimately universal..or visa versa…and as I read it, I kept saying yes yes yes.

As today slowly winds down into evening, it’s a life affirming breathtaking sunset for my soul.

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Thanks, Samm. I want to reach out and talk a bit about how we are feeling.

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Without acknowledging that most stories are tragic, and fully engaging with what that entails, we will continue to fear our stories and to avoid them… and so remain unable to change the direction of the narrative.

“Let us not at least repeat lies.” —Soviet Dissident Andrei Sakharov

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Face the truth, no matter how hard it might be.

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Jun 8Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

O melhor que li nos últimos meses Glória 💕

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Thank you, Berkana. 😘

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

It's so vital that we , collectively embrace the matters that effect our souls, our sensibilities and our connection to the natural world. Too many are frenetically stabbing at visceral impulses, thoughts in a vain attempt to give their lives some meaning. The long forgotten notion of a wise man going to the top of a mountain to obtain wisdom is a silly concept in this world. Or is it?? This commercializationed society has the consumers hooked on the false premise that it can be swiped, bought. Many years of observing the adrenalin crowd processing their post experience endorphins when given the question of 'how did that feel' draws some confused responses. Starving Souls. Thanks GHY for putting your heart into your works, Please continue.

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Thank you for your thoughtful post. 🙏

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"cradling a bit of empathy"... a trait we all need to more fully embrace to understand one another and coexist peacefully. We're all the same, no matter what we think. Good thoughts, here. ❤️

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Susan Niemann, a definite yes.

The deeper Gloria dives the more I experience her words as they pour out from her unique skill as a writer; and eventually enter with ease into my heart-chamber.

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Very powerful and thought-provoking... 😎

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So exactly true and right Gloria. We are all here just evolving, so true so true, exquisitely. 💕

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Poetry the melts the soul, prose the describes the contours of life - all excellent work. Thank you for sharing your work.

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Beautiful piece thank you for sharing with us Gloria

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