May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Gloria Horton-Young: Actually, for "Stormy Daniels" I have "Mitgefühl" (a strong word for "empathy" -- not implying any patronizing pity).

As a man who LOVES a woman over 53-years, my Nancy, I love your own series on the sensuous woman.

The Trump incident is CRINGE. Stormy Daniels is stuck, because Trump has a body-guard outside the door. Trump is almost naked on the edge of the bed.

Now the real cringe: He tells her she reminds him of HIS DAUGHTER.

As a Dad of two Daughters -- who are EVERYTHING TO ME -- NO DAD EVER, NOT EVER, NOT EVER, NOT EVER thinks of a daughter THIS WAY!

This is MORE cringeworthy by far than the allegations of the Steele Dossier! And THOSE were already pretty cringeworthy.

One word reaction: YUCK!

Or: Y-U-C-K!

I respect Stormy Daniels. I believe her. I hope for Stormy Daniels to remain healthy and strong and to continue to grow as the person she is meant in life to be.

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Armand, your words really hit the mark. It's great to see such genuine empathy coming from your experience, both as a loving husband and a father. You've summed up the feelings many of us have about that disturbing encounter—total cringe, indeed. I'm right there with you in respecting and believing Stormy Daniels. Here’s hoping she stays strong and keeps growing into the person she’s meant to be. Thanks for speaking up with such honesty.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Gloria Horton-Young: Honestly, you have such a beautiful poetic gift.

I share your core values.

The polar opposite of the CRINGE (with incestuous fantasies as CRINGEWORTHY overtones) is real sensuous writing.

Your OWN sensuous writing is a fruit of your considerable poetic gifts and are beautiful, DIGNIFIED, and innocent.

-- WHEW!! -- the innocence, the innocent senses and sighs -- you express what is innocent and beautiful and of human dignity and "Mother Nature" in passion -- the innocence of the Sumerian Garden between the Tigris and Euphrates, the innocence and passion of Inanna.

I highly recommend:

Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth: Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer Paperback – August 3, 1983 -- by Diane Wolkstein (Author), Samuel Noah Kramer (Author)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Harper Perennial; First Edition (August 3, 1983)

Language ‏ : ‎ English

Paperback ‏ : ‎ 256 pages

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9780060908546

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0060908546

Stormy Daniels -- she does NOT forfeit her complaint through her erotic arts.

I HATE, absolutely HATE that the patriarchal society JUDGES women.

I judge the MONSTER with his incestuous fantasies.

I fully believe her testimony.

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Done! Bought the book. Thank you for the recommendation. ❤️

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Gloria Horton-Young: The Queen of Heaven -- She is truly worthy of love and worship.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Dear Gloria,

I found your poetic description very powerful.

It paints the actors vividly.

There may be more shocks waiting in future scenes.

We are alive and we cannot predict the future.

I agree that even without seeing Stormy’s performance ourselves it has imprinted an image in our minds.

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Thank you. All courtrooms should be accessible by televised systems.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Yes, this is really gypping us all of the right to witness one of the most important moments in American history.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young


"But what is truth, in this grand spectacle? It’s as elusive as the plot of a pulp fiction novel, obscured by layers of legal labyrinths and media frenzy. Trump’s own attorneys, in a move of desperation or genius (the jury's still out), argue that Daniels’ recounting is nothing more than a regurgitation of her scripted performances—a pornographic parable, if you will. Yet, as they argue over the veracity of her account, the stakes are laid bare: a presidency, a reputation, and a slice of American history, all hanging in the balance."

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Justice ? He’s the man who said if shooting a person on Fifth Avenue he would get away with it. Appears if he screwed a woman in front of the Judge he’d zip up with not a side glance from the jury or judge. Waste of time. The man is impenetrable

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I beg to differ. In the twisted carnival of modern American justice, where the bizarre often parades as the norm, one might be tempted to swallow the cynical notion that certain titans of treachery can sidestep the long arm of the law with a wink and a nod. But even the Great and Powerful Oz—known to us mere mortals as Donald Trump—finds the curtain pulled back, exposing not a wizard, but a man scrambling against the gears of justice.

Let’s consider this man who once boasted he could gun down someone on the sunlit streets of Fifth Avenue and emerge unscathed, his base unshaken. Yet here we are, watching this supposed colossus stagger under the mountainous weight of legal ledgers in courtroom after courtroom. Oh, the irony is delicious. Trump, found liable in the E. Jean Carroll case—a blast from his blunderbuss he didn't see coming.

And let’s not dismiss as inconsequential the courtroom dramas unfolding over alleged fraudulent business dealings—a sordid saga linked to his financial tango with Stormy Daniels. Here, the real firepower doesn't come from smoking guns but from the relentless march of accountants and clerks, the unseen under appreciated workforce that runs businesses while the emperor is busy trying to unstick his zipper. These meticulous bean-counters, armed with nothing more lethal than facts and figures, are steadily dismantling the fortress Trump thought impregnable.

At the center of this fray strides Stormy Daniels, not merely as icing on this judicial cake, but as a sharpshooter in her own right. Taking the stand with a composure that belies her underdog status, she delivers her testimony with a marksman’s precision, piercing through the smokescreens with truths that resonate louder than any sideshow distraction.

Consequently, the “legend” of Trump's invincibility crumbles. He is not impenetrable; he bleeds under the scrutiny of evidence and the persistence of justice. In this spectacle, we find not a juggernaut immune to reproach, but a man ensnared by his own hubris, his fallibilities laid bare for all to see.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Trump is just the symptom of a greater disease. That disease of unfettered capitalism has metastasized and has many well-funded tentacles reaching into our lives. It all about the money. The Golden Rule. Those with the gold make the rules.

I try to be optimistic, hold onto hope that Churchill was right about the American people, that they will do the right thing after they tried everything else.

But when I see our scotus bought and paid for, corporate media keeping a monster in the race for president, churches promoting the rapist, senators calling for violence against others, militarization of our police. Russia infiltrating congress. Billionaires not paying taxes. Trump as president again?

Our Founding Fathers are crying from the grave.

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Yes to everything you wrote. So true and so tragic. I’m in a constant state of emotional upheaval.

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Thank you very much for your non-paywall truth and light. And beautiful prose. One thousand blessings to you and yours.

/ In reality I do have hope, the last thing out of Pandora’s box.

I haven’t begun to give up yet, guys from my school died in the swamps of Vietnam as fodder for the MIC. I am stirring up ‘good trouble’ in my very red state. /

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Agree, he is a symptom. But the disease is ignorance…

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May 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Ignorance and greed. People that will do anything for power and money are not good people

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Gloria! What an articulate and appealing response! Quite awesome.

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All you say is true. I’m not disagreeing . His salacious behavior with women has been uncovered but that’s not news to anyone who’s known of DJT’s conduct . Hush Money? Of course . He’s The Wizard of Odd and evil

My opinion. He will walk right back into The Oval Office. There’s nothing “delicious” about that

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Oh God, Jennifer, Darling. I pray you are wrong. We will be moving to another country if he’s elected.

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May 19Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

I,also, hope and pray that the majority of people in enough States see through his facade of having any capacity to help their lives and vote for the Biden-Harris ticket.

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That’s my prayer, too.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Jennifer Ward Dudley: "The man is impenetrable"!


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He’s succeeded in penetrating millions of sane Americans with his toxic politics and foul rhetoric

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He has also inspired millions of women and progressive-minded men to head to the polls and decisively cast their votes for the Democratic party.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Great assessment of what is going on and what’s at stake.

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Thank you. 🙏

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Well said. As this drama plays out I hope people (and the media) maintain focus on the real issue here.

Is Trump a viable leader of our democracy or will Project 2025 reign supreme?

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Forecasting the whims of the electorate is a fool’s errand, yet for those citizens, both women and men, who cling to the rule of law as if it were a life raft in this sea of chaos, this spectacle is colossal.

We’re dissecting Trump’s shady dealings, a seedy saga birthed from his tawdry dance with Stormy Daniels. The breadcrumbs of culpability are there, lined up like dominos—each text, each check a testament to his guilt, unraveling his empire of smoke and mirrors, check by damning check.

And lurking in the shadows, the biggest gunslinger of all, Michael Cohen, awaits his cue. Having paid his debt to society, he’s turned zealot in his crusade to bring Trump to justice.

Cohen is the man destined to topple this house of cards built by a charlatan, sweeping it away with the gale force of a redeemed outlaw.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Let's hope so.

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I agree.

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Read "Society of the Spectacle" by Guy Debord.

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Thank you for the recommendation. I will definitely read the book.

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deletedMay 13
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Thank you for your clear introduction.

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I ordered it on Kindle. It costs $2.99.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

I’m a so tired of that orange-frosted jizz-muffin wandering the American landscape. I want to see him wheeled about in a chair under the bright Miami sun, rubbing his hair with a balloon, and trying to bite any passersby that get too close.

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I dream of that as well! Sometimes, dreams do come true.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

"Orange-frosted jizz-muffin" LOL.

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I am personally not into the idea of an imprisoned “orange-frosted jizz-muffin”, such that that your idea appeals to me more. I realize he’s dangerous but as his cognitive abilities and perhaps physical capacities decline more, may he stay in Florida and enjoy the weather.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Thank you!

No well- behaved woman ever made history.

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Hell, that's the gospel truth! Well-behaved women seldom make the history books; they get relegated to footnotes on the pages of the timid and the tame. To make history, you've got to rattle some cages, spit in the eye of propriety, and dance wildly on the table of conformity. So here's to my tribe, the hell-raisers, the rule breakers, the women who plant their flags on the moon of mischief—were're not just making history, were're writing it with a flamethrower!

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

I resemble that statement!

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And you. Redhead. The flame 🔥 Carry the torch

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Love the picture!

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It’s a doozy! 😀

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

I have a t-shirt that says that....

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I want one!

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

You should have one....

(Amazon or any of the other t-shirt shops)

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Thanks! That is mantra. *ahem* As you know … LOL

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May 11Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

I wonder why men never say things like that.

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That’s a very astute question.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Another "Wow!" moment from your flame-throwing pen. You are definitely on roll - your output continues to be deeply impressive.

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Thanks, Leon! Read my newest one on Cohen and his upcoming testimony on Monday.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

“The curtain never falls”indeed. Thank you for your summation, your support for Stormy and your inimitable way with words.

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Thanks for appreciating my writing and your lovely comment.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

"... and the truth is on trial "

Absolutely, absolutely, Gloria

Wasn't she riding extraordinary highly above what Ms. Necheles was trying to scrape in the lowest way ?

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Daniels tore into that bottom-feeding shyster, that pitiful mockery of an attorney, a disgrace of a woman. Necheles is beyond abhorrent—she's a nightmare in a suit, a ghoul at the bar.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Doing this to another woman

And a completely different handing of the woman following Stormy


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I abhor women who are cruel to other women. I frighten and enrage me.

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May 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Damn, Gloria! Tell us how you really feel......

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I’m waiting for applause in silence. The climax to maybe arrive in the 16th act of surprise.

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Very eloquent, as usual. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you. 🙏

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