Ohio farm boy I am

Proud nephew of my uncle Sam

Rough edged hewer of

Songs for folks

Some simple,

Some not,

With crafted phrases

And finger strokes.

My surname

From Ireland.

Ocean waved to Penn's woods.

Then 1803 land granted farm

Where casts my family's

Seed in soil

To anchor my past.

I left acres of corn

Called by the muse

To search this land

Find sweeter ears

And sing to them

Of the sun, the sky,

And the blues.

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Malcolm, AMAZING. Clever. YOU!!!

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Malcolm, there is a sincerity and empathy in your words that moves me.

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Jun 9Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

My life started on a May Day in 1955. My parents loved each other very much. That late fall my Father was killed when a Power Take off flew into his chest and caused his immediate death. He was 31. Most of my growth up days were spent in a small village called Hanska, Minnesota. I graduation from New Ulm High School and was accepted to Mankato State College. During the prevailing summer I met Dan Lang and his parents and Dan and I became roommates at Landkamer Funeral Home. During my years working there I learned how to be a leader. May 1979 I was president my Bachelor of Science Degree. My first marriage ended because of activities that our son decided to do and didn’t continued behaving like a normal person. My ex didn’t agree on how he should be treated and disagreed on my solution. Three years ago I met another woman and we both love each other.

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Lan, thank you for sharing with story with me.

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Jun 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Gloria, you are a fascinating woman

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Jun 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Lan, I loved your story ! Wonderful you did for your son, I am,sure, and so awesome you loved another real love story, I still live with my husband after nearly 40 years, but a love story with another woman is something so wonderful and so supporting.

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Flo, your husband is a very fortunate man.

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Jun 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Lol. I am not so sure now

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That’s mysterious!

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Very interesting story, but I'm not sure what you mean by a "power take off," and I'd like to know. And in the third full line, you write, "May 1979 I was president my Bachelor of Science Degree." I think you mean "presented," not "president".

Thanks, --David

PS: I often make mistakes like these online. The latter one may be something you can blame on autocorrect.

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Jun 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

David a Power Take off is an axle that powered tbd Corn Sheller. The shelled corn was feed for the livestock

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Jun 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

But I didn’t use that in my story

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Jun 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

TBD usual means to be determined

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Jun 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

David, yes you are correct it was auto correct

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Jun 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Presented my Bachelor of Science

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What is the tbd? Don't assume others know your acronyms unless they are in common parlance, like DNA, MPG, MPH, and HIV, and unless you know that they have only one meaning, unlike ICE, which among car nuts stands for "internal combustion engine."

Obscure acronyms do to the flow of prose what a dead cow does to the flow of a stream.

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Jun 11Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

It’s an axle that is connected to a tractor and in this case a corn Sheller. Something caused the PTO to come of the tractor spinning very fast and hit my Dad in his chest causing trauma to his heart and longs

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I'm sorry about your father.

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Jun 9Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Ooo I love this! Succinct, and thoughtful and definitely a great summary of the ______ ought years! ♥️ love you

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Love you more

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Oooh! They're going to fight about who loves the other the most! Or maybe just bask in their love for each other! I say, go for it!

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We are still all gushy about it. LOL

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Gloria if you were single I would like to know more about you.

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I am happily married to Crystal-lee.

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Jun 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Didn’t know that Gloria. My best wishes to both of you

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Ohio farm boy I am

Proud nephew of my uncle Sam

Rough edged hewer of

Songs for folks

Some simple,

Some not,

With crafted phrases

And finger strokes.

My surname

From Ireland.

Ocean waved to Penn's woods.

Then 1803 land granted farm

Where casts my family's

Seed in soil

To anchor my past.

I left acres of corn

Called by the muse

To search this land

Find sweeter ears

And sing to them

Of the sun, the sky,

And the blues.

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Jun 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

In my opinion, you win E's contest. Hands down, feet over, spinning head and smiling face. Glorious Gloria....🥰

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Thanks, Morgan. It’s going to be a difficult task because there dare some crazy good entries.

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Jun 10Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Gloria, although I won't be participating in the "Your Life Story in 81 words" contest, I have to say that YOUR entry is fascinating and fabulous!!

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Thank you, Leon.

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I hit both the comment box and the balloon.

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Third time lucky at marriage. My present husband rocks my world. We've had our bumps but strive to keep our connection alive and vibrant. I am privileged to be a mother to a remarkable daughter who is a confident and beautiful lesbian. I wish she would discover a love that is as fulfilling and profound as the love she gives to the world. I wrote web code, but now my poetry, short stories, essays, and novel writing help quell my anxiety.

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Caro, I am enamored by your poetry.

“In the vast abyss of the night,

Stars ignite, casting their light.

Mysteries woven in their glow,

Whispers of souls that used to know.

They twinkle, distant and far,

Guiding us through life's memoir.

A reminder, amidst the scars,

Of why we wonder, what we are.”

Fascinating and so original.

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Thank you for liking my little poem.

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Jun 9Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

You are welcome Gloria

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A Bio-poem for E.Jean Carroll’s 81 word elevator life-story

By Lee

A Light Writer from a Martha Beck School of Radical Transformation


You appear,

When I lift

Hand to charm


Someone will see

A loved beauty

From an era

I never knew.

Even when I lived there.

There’s a faint odor,

A bitterness,

To wriggling, snow-white,

Yet no-longer-baby flesh

Revealing its Truth of birth.

Ego running?

Stop it!

I wiggle you in the mirroring afternoon sunlight,

Let go.

Vanity is vexation.

I smile.

Look within.

Permitting this body


To choose Love.

A more impeccable


In authentic kindness.


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Wow! Your poem beautifully captures the struggle with vanity and ego, urging us to embrace authenticity and kindness in the present moment.

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Thanks Glo🌹

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Jun 11Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

I love your writing, Gloria!

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Thank you, Carol. I appreciate your taking the time to read it.

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Jun 12Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Each word pulses with life, as we capture our essence in a mere handful of lines. What a journey you inspire, encapsulating the universe in a heartbeat, encouraging us to do the same.

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deletedJun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young
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You mean her Substack? It’s @ejeancarroll

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deletedJun 11Liked by Gloria Horton-Young
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Incredible journey yet well lived. Hugs, Loreal

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