Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

For Mr Trump: How much are you asking your Veep picks to kick in for that spot next to you on the ticket?

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

This is funny, and probably true!

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That’s a fact!

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Biden it is It’s the only choice if you love your country

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So beautiful! Thank you. 🙏

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

One day I'm confident, the next day I'm scared to death and planning my extended stay on Sweden. This was great! 👏👏👏 I hope we dont lose America.

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I’m a bundle of emotions!

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

🤣😂🤪 Fantastic, i alftmost fell off my chair! I 2nd all those motions and questions!

To me, debbie it might even be worse! Country yes, but what about worldwide? Strategically speaking, even forgetting Drumpf who just cannot think (i think Descarte would doubt his very existence) an alliance of: the chinese X, the russian P and lesser dictators in Korea, the Americas, including our T, the Middle East, Africa too, you name it.

Who will that leave us with? Canada Australia Britain?

Lets hope they don't do it.

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Agree, Jean. Totally!

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Re: border crisis: Joe has actually put two different plans in front of Congress. The GOP voted down both. They do not want to fix the crisis b/c it then eliminates the main platform issue for the Chaos Candidate.

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That's exactly what he should elaborate on if asked the question. Dates, the yeses and noes, the entire sordid tale of the GOP's sabotage of progress to earn accolades from Herr Führer.

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Oh, and I love your audio read! I may try that either my next post!

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Question 4 for Biden

Why wait so long to address immigration?

The bi-partisan bill was turned down by Republicans.

Biden administration put a similar bill together, and executive ordered it.

Good Question to ask.

Good Questions.

Bravo 👏 👏 👏 👏

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Thank you. They are harsh but demand answers.

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Brilliant! As I said, you've found your calling as a political analyst!


Known for: Outlasting Father Time, crisis whispering, and turning gaffes into gold

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

So f**king good! 👏🏻👏🏻😁💕

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Thank you, Jeff.

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Jun 26Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Love it BUT Biden is 81 I believe

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I corrected his age. Thanks for letting me know though. ❤️

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

And Trump is 78!

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ROFL! I forgot he had a birthday.

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, which makes him 78 years old.

Thank you for reminding me. I’ll edit my article.

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Well put!

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Thanks, Ann.

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You are asking the exact right questions and offer concise analysis.

But, do I have to watch it?

I mean, you know I’m gonna vote for the Democratic party nominee holding my nose all the way. I hate this illusion of choice !

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No. You don’t have to watch it. Play with your tractor or garden. 🪴

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Thank you for the hall pass. 😉🫶🌹

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Love it💙🇺🇸💙💕

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Diane, I was harsh. The questions need to be asked and answered. Biden has the opportunity to state facts that can’t be twisted. I hope to God that happens.

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

We will see how many times whines and wipes his nose tonight!

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Alt-facts aren’t a thing! 👏👏👏🫵💪

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young


Your pointed questions are bound to stir responses that might reveal more than scripted answers ever could.

Let’s see if the true essence of leadership emerges under the spotlight.

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I want to hear real down-to-earth answers.

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

No need to wait for tonight. If you look at all the people who have worked at the White House and Congress and note how they got there, how they left, who they thought highly of, and what they said about those in leadership positions, it is quite clear that the only leader who will be on stage tonight will be President Biden.

You can also just listen carefully to their speeches:

President Biden speaks with purpose, clarity, and details.

President Biden is inclusive, appreciates others, and remembers people’s names.

President Biden engages other world leaders and leads them in supporting world goals and initiatives.

Trump talks about himself, rambles, and cannot remember a single detail if there ever was one.

Trump is exclusive, denigrates others, and can’t remember who is even at his rally.

Trump disengages from the world, engages with known totalitarian regimes, and does not support allies or continue in fundamental world leadership roles.

President Biden exhibits behaviors consistent with a remarkable leader and has led the country for almost 4 years. Trump exhibits behaviors consistent with a con man and did nothing but dismantle the country for 4 years.

I think that Ms. Horton-Young would make a great moderator. I wonder if any of her questions will be included tonight?

Those were some bodacious questions.

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“Remarkable leader”? Only for the donor class, Bruh. Blind allegiant tribalism is the major reason we now exist in a third world shitshow.

Get a grip. We are choosing between corporate oligarchy enabled Fascism and totalitarian despotism.

Thanks for participating. Sorry, I’m fresh outta ribbons

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Brilliant! 💯

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Thank you so much. 🙏

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Jun 27Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

...hysterical !

... between damage by

cnn & dj-t...

...i can visualize

...the biden attacks 🥹

•• sent to biden txt line ••

•• tips@cnn.com••

•• msnbc.digital.editors

@nbcuni.com ••

•• rachelmaddow

@msnbc.com ••

( sad to watch the urge...

to win reporter of the year)

...i'm for yesterday's pushing the narcissist rants !!

gotta repost ➡️ with photo

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Crazytown, right?

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We'll see how it goes.

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