After finally succumbing to binge watching, I am now hooked on Bridgerton. The music is indeed amazing. For the first season it seemed traditional classical public domain music? Then suddenly season 2 opened with a classical rendition of a Madonna song? I haven't yet decided if that takes me out of it or sucks me further into it. Either way, I'm really enjoying this series.

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I have been a devoted fan of the Vitamin String Quartet forever. 💙

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They're in Bridgerton? Sorry I just started watching last week!

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Oh, and I fancy myself to be closest with the character of Eloise.

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I hope Eloise is featured in the next season. Such an intriguing character!

You are a perfect match!

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She's a caustic rough in the diamond, as am I.

Do you watch the new spin off of the queen?

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Notoced that!’

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Gloria, you have a way with words.

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

She most certainly does!

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Thank you!

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

. I’m an ardent fan as well. As for who in modern day could be The Lady Whistledown? How about Kelly Clarkson? And for Queen Charolette? Jennifer Hudson…. Lady Danbury? I would love to play that part…for all the reasons .

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Terrific choices. Who wouldn’t want to be Lady Danbury! What a woman!

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young


Your enthusiasm is infectious, painting each scene with a personal touch.

For me, the interplay of power and desire in such opulent settings is where the magic truly lies. Thank you for sharing your passionate take on this captivating series.

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It’s really a delightful spectacle

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Goodness Gloria those are such hard questions !!!!!!!

I LOVE Bridgerton

Chris Van Dusen and Shonda Rhimes are just its awesome little grand geniuses here.

ok so Mrs. Whistledown could be Katherine Graham of The Washington Post but as someone much smarter here than me said , Rachel Maddow is really the deal !!

Queen Charlotte is a tough one !! She isn impervious, but also loves the gossip and you know what, our former old Queen Elizabeth 2 was that too !!! She loved gossip, especially about our French president Giscard d'Estaing and Sarkozy, lol

and then Lady Danbury, well lady Danbury is my complete favorite of the whole show...

She warms my heart, when I see her, I feel, the Earth will be ok because Lady Danbury is in charge she is for courage , love and gusto !!!

She is the most beautiful, elegant, wittiest, most distinguished character and I don t really see anyone able to be her, except perhaps, for the love she had for her children, Jackie Kennedy.. But both these women are in their own circle... I love, love, love Lady Danbury !!!

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Who can gently and cleverly extract our deepest secrets in such a casual, offhand manner? Who has us all scribbling away about our scars, our histories, our first loves, and more?

Now, who could be the perfect Lady Whistledown in real life? Hmm 🤔 let me think.

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

lol, well of course our E.J.


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Elizabeth Taylor would have been a fabulous Lady Danbury and an even more fantastic Queen.

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young


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I Love the Queen! She cracks me up! I would have so much fun playing that part

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young



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I’m a Lady in Waiting

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

Powerful reading, Gloria! Even my husband liked the show, and though it was far from historically accurate—it was so well done! Passion!

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I’ll take racy over accuracy every day! LOL 😝

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young


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Although I do take history very seriously in RL.

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

OMG!! This made me LOL!! “Simon, the reluctant duke whose smoldering gaze could melt the chastity belt off a nun.” I do love this series🔥🔥💗💗

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Well *hands on hips* it’s the godawful truth of it. LOL

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Lady Whistledown: Rachel Maddow. I’m not sure about the other two yet.

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Great show! I hope they do another season.

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I think they have eight seasons planned.

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That's great!

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

My daughter adores it. But so far I’ve avoided getting sucked in. I might have to check it out now!

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It’s always surprising.

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Beautiful writing as always - perfect for setting the reader on fire. You capture the visuals and sounds as well as all the feelings that go with the show. We've binged the new season already and wondering when the next season will happen.

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We binged it as well!!

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

My husband scoffed when I said I wanted to watch Bridgerton! SCOFFED! ROLLED HIS EYES EVEN! And together we binge watched every single episode. And now my once scoffing husband is now a huge Bridgerton fan. It is delightful is all the ways you beautifully described. We both await the next one with baited breath!

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Oh. My. God. Your husband? The eye-roller? The scoff-master general? He fell for Bridgerton harder than I fall for free samples at Costco! And that's saying something, 'cause I once camped out for three days just to get my hands on some mini quiches!

Mr. Skeptical Pants, probably wearing his "I'd rather be watching sports" face, sits down and BAM! Suddenly he's all "Shh! I need to know if Daphne and the Duke are gonna make it!"

I bet he started calling you "dearest" and trying to dramatically remove his gloves. Did he attempt a British accent? Please tell me he attempted a British accent. I'm dying to hear his "I burn for you" impression!

You two, cuddled up on the couch, binging faster than I demolish a pint of Ben & Jerry's after a bad date. It's beautiful. It's magical. It's probably the closest thing to time travel we'll ever experience.

And now? Now you're both sitting there, staring at your calendars, waiting for the next season like it's Christmas morning and you're five years old again. I hope you've got some smelling salts ready, 'cause when that new trailer drops, it's gonna be swoon city, population: you two lovebirds!

Just between us, I heard a rumor that in the next season, they're gonna have a shirtless croquet tournament. Don't tell anyone I told you that. I definitely didn't make it up just now.

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

The Ben & Jerry's is Coffee Toffee...my husband's transformation from sports Binger to Bridgerton Binger was indeed a SIGHT to BEHOLD! And yes dear reader...when we watched the downfall of Queen Charlotte's beautiful husband into madness...I dare say,my husband who knows every single damn baseball Stat on planet Earth shed a tear alongside me...and became indignant when Penelope was treated as "less than". I have revealed too much of my husband's emotional foray into the Bridgerton series and I feel a bit like Mrs Whistledown. But suffice it to say dear reader ...My husband went from eyeball rolling to eyeball tears not in baseball stats but in the humanity Bridgerton beautifully lusciously reveals in its sumptuous telling. Now shhhhhhh...let it be our Bridgerton Ben and Jerry's secret. Coffee Toffee Pinky Swear❤️

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Coffee Toffee Pinky Swear❤️ FOREVER

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

It’s quite a show, Gloria. I watched some of it with our daughter and I’m hooked!

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It’s a parable with an erotic, sensual, alluring narrative.

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

OK, I’ve resisted it until now. Should I start with the first year? Or can I just jump in?

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Oh! I would begin at the beginning. The story arc is worth patience.

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Jun 25Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

I watched episode one last night …pretty easy to get hooked. Everybody is so pretty!

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Beautiful and uniquely remarkable, each character reveals their humanity as the series unfolds. You'll have an "AHA!" moment when you see that, beyond their physical appearances, they are all simply humans striving to connect with one another, driven by their hearts' deepest desires.

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Jun 30Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

I love the queens hair “sculpture”. It’s a delight to see what is on top of her head each episode.

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They are amazing!!!

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

GLO BABY! Loved it! You know what I notice that Shonda did which I love her for. This does not happen often enough where the cute little chubby girl is to be made SEXY, Vibrant, sexual and all that good juicy stuff - even a nude shot or two. This was really wonderful. Instead of the same perfect, tall gorgeous etc. leading lady gets it all. This wonderful and beautiful Whistle-down - NOT ONLY A WRITER but quite a lover of sorts. AND- Le pace-de resistance is THEY ADMIT THE HUSBAND WAS A BIT JEALOUS OF HER TALENTS! Of course, all that FABRIC is fab for eye candy.


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Oh my, LA, darling girl, you've totally nailed it! Shonda Rhimes is an absolute queen for giving us this delicious slice of representation. Can we talk about how she's serving up a curvy goddess who's not just sexy, but absolutely magnetic? It's like she's waving a magic wand and *poof* - suddenly we're seeing a whole new flavor of beauty on our screens! Redheads rule, Baby!

And honey, this character is so much more than just eye candy. She's got a mind that could make Shakespeare swoon and a personality that's as layered as the most decadent cake. It's like Shonda looked at the usual "pretty face, empty head" trope and said, "Not in my house!"

And, let's do dish about that husband drama. Talk about spicy! It's like watching a fevered tango of talent and jealousy. This storyline is serving up some serious food for thought about relationships and success. It's got me clutching my pearls and reaching for the champagne at the same time!

And can we please, please take a moment to appreciate the visual feast? Those costumes! That set design! It's like being wrapped in the most luxurious, velvety dream. I swear, I can almost feel the luscious fabrics through the screen.

That dressmaker's shop! The irresistible dressmaker and confidant. A paradise of luxurious fabrics and dreams come true. The owner's talent is pure magic, turning cloth into wearable art. I'm green with envy - not just for the shop, but for her incredible achievements. It's a celebration of creativity and feminine power. And, utterly swoon worthy!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Bridgerton isn't just pushing boundaries, it's sashaying right past them with a wink and a smirk. It's bold, it's beautiful, and it's got us all hooked.

Shonda Rhimes hasn't just created a show, she's whipped up a whole new world that we never want to leave. Brava, darling!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young


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Basically, “it’s hot up in here.”

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

I love the series! We rewatched Queen Charlotte, and I sobbed again during the last episode. Scrumptious!

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We’ll begin watching today. I adore everything about the show.

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Jun 24Liked by Gloria Horton-Young

And narrated by Julie Andrews - I adore the show, too.

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Julie Andrews’ voice is perfect.

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